MP3 ธรรมะ Self Development - The Components of each Precept, the Monastic Rules of Monks and Novices by Ven.Nicholas Tanissaro , Buddhist Culture - "Pana III", Pana in various forms which we offer to monks and novices. , Meditation Practice by Ven.Somsak Piyaseelo , * Interview Participant in meditation retreat program at Himmavan Meditation Park : Madam Kang Cheah Kheng, a retired Teacher from Singapore

MP3 ธรรมะ

    Video > หมวดMeditation > รายการMeditation for Peace
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ชมวิดีโอSelf Development - The Components of each Precept, the Monastic Rules of Monks and Novices by Ven.Nicholas Tanissaro , Buddhist Culture - "Pana III", Pana in various forms which we offer to monks and novices. , Meditation Practice by Ven.Somsak Piyaseelo ,     * Interview Participant in meditation retreat program at Himmavan Meditation Park : Madam Kang Cheah Kheng, a retired Teacher from Singapore
  Self Development - The Components of each Precept, the Monastic Rules of Monks and Novices by Ven.Nicholas Tanissaro , Buddhist Culture - "Pana III", Pana in various forms which we offer to monks and novices. , Meditation Practice by Ven.Somsak Piyaseelo , * Interview Participant in meditation retreat program at Himmavan Meditation Park : Madam Kang Cheah Kheng, a retired Teacher from SingaporeMeditation for Peace Meditation
   23 มี.ค. 2551   ชม 32,767 ครั้ง

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